Business Verified Seal

The Certification Report may include:

Government Issued Licenses
We verify you are in good standing with the Government entity who issued your professional or business license (i.e. State Bar, Medical Board..etc) and that there are no pending actions against you.
Address Verification
Hundreds of US Businesses post non existing addresses or a PO BOX. Having your address verified will portray your business as an established and operational organization.
State Corporation Search
Our Corporation verification report will show legitimate businesses licensed by the state to operate legally.
Public Records Search
This option will include all public records for active judgments, law suits, criminal records, collections, pending investigations and fraud reports against a business.
Education Credentials
The Education credentials verification independently collects and verifies the authenticity of a member’s educational and licensure/registration credentials.
Based on all reports, we can assess and verify the time of working experience on each one of our members.
Professional References
Professional Reference verifications are defined as business or profession related individuals that verify work-related characteristics about the member in addition to personality characteristics.
Website Identity
The website identity confirmation shows your clients you are who you say you are online. Many websites assume someone else’s identity to commit fraud while the legitimate business owner has no knowledge of these activities until it is too late.
Spam & Virus Reports
Our administrators will check your website for spam and viruses. Thousands of online visitors hesitate engaging on any type of business transactions with websites that are unprotected.

The results above are posted with your review and a seal is provided for your web site with a link to those results at your review.